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Tom and his gang are really nice and I high five them whenever we meet. Their site has a treasure chest of free 3d tutorials for all variety of skills and software, plus their texture CDs are indispensable in my toolset. Links | The 3d Artist’s Homepage 3dTotal was where I got started with 3d graphics and will always be one of my favorite sites on the web.Blog These are general posts pertaining to 3d graphics in general, industry news, or news about the blog.Offsite This is for off-site 3d tutorials, resources, and downloads.Downloads These are scripts and utilities that I’ve written to help you in 3dsMax or in other programs.They’ll teach you broad subjects or specific techniques that are usually too broad or too long to teach in a Monday Movie. Articles This is my collection of 3d graphics tutorials and primer articles.

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Each week, I’ll upload a free video where you can learn simple techniques for 3d Studio Max or other 3d software. Videos My Monday Movie series is a collection of video tutorials I produce.

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